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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Embedding a file in VoodooPad

[Update: This is probably pretty useless now, since this feature has been built-in to VoodooPad for two major releases now. It's not in the free version, but neither is the scripting. If for some reason, you're still using VoodooPad 2, please enjoy!]

I was musing the other day about the apparent lack of a way to embed a file directly into VoodooPad. So I turned to the semi-experimental plugin interface.

Now you can enjoy the fruits of my labor. Just look at the file embedding menu off of the plugin menu. A file takes up an entire page and links up like anything else in VoodooPad. Just click on the link and it opens up.

Double click EmbedFile.vcplugin and VoodooPad will install it for you.

Download EmbedFile 1.0b1 (21k)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Address Book Exporter

I recently needed to ability to export just addresses from a group in Apple's Address Book application. While there are a number of solutions out there for exporting data from Apple's handy Address Book app, none were quite what I was looking for. So, being the developer that I am, I wrote one.

Address Book Exporter is simple to use -- just select a group, hit export, and choose a file to export it to. ABE exports to a CSV file ready for use in Excel or other spreadsheet applications. It pays attention to distribution lists -- so set up which addresses you want to go with the list in Address Book -- go to Edit/Edit Distribution List

Download Address Book Exporter 1.0.1 (35k)

[edit: updated to 1.0.1, which places first and last names in separate columns]

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I participated in the zeroth Iron Coder challenge over the weekend. There were a lot of great entries, but mine was lucky enough to win.

Symphony is a useless little app that makes a lot of noise, Mardi Gras style. It abuses the secret ingredient API to determine when things happen on your computer -- you start an application, move a window, type something. For each event, a sound is played. They all wash together and form a soundscape.

Since judging, I've fixed a few bugs, added a feature or two. Symphony now requires 10.3.9 with Quicktime 7 or Tiger. It is built universal.

Download Symphony 1.0 (3.27 meg)
Download Symphony 1.0 source (3.22 meg, BSD license)

[Update: Corrected link to source]